Modern Slavery Statement
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 came into effect on 29th October 2015. This law requires companies doing business in the UK to disclose information regarding their policies to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chain and within their business.
SEP Rail Services is proud of the measures it takes in this regard.
SEP Rail Services efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain and own business include the following:
Supply chain
Written policies and procedures
SEP Rail Services strictly prohibits the user of slavery or human trafficking in its direct supply chain.
Our supply chain vetting process will require that the SEP Rail Services supply chain validates their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act as part of the application process, with regard to issues of forced labour, slavery and human trafficking.
Contractual obligations
No supplier is engaged by SEP Rail Services until they have completed a ‘Supply Chain Assessment Questionnaire’, which is then subsequently vetted. This ensures that they will adhere to the guidelines and expectations that SEP Rail Services would expect. SEP Rail Services contractual arrangements make reference to the approval process and the evidence submitted by the supplier, and thus mandate the necessary level of compliance with Legislation; Codes of Practice; International (ILO and UN Guidelines), National and Client Standards.
Supply chain monitoring
SEP Rail Services reserves the right at any time to monitor its suppliers for compliance against agreed contractual requirements, including and not limited to the Modern Slavery Act.
Compliance with the Modern Slavery Act by SEP Rail Services supply chain will be undertaken using the following means:
- Annual re-vetting of its suppliers
- Monitoring of publicised breeches of the legislation
SEP Rail Services has a zero tolerance policy towards violations of the laws banning forced labour, slavery and human trafficking.
SEP Rail Services contractual agreements permit the termination of suppliers for a single violation.
Our own business
Written policies and procedures
SEP Rail Services Management system details the rules and procedures by which we should treat fellow employees. This includes;
- Transparent and fair behaviour, such as protecting human rights, and reporting issues
- Compliance with legislation, including fundamental rights at work – in particular freedom of association and elimination of discrimination throughout employment
Employee training
SEP Rail Services conducts briefings for all employees to emphasis the importance of acting with integrity and in line with our own internal values. Guidance regarding the Modern Slavery Act is incorporated into company training sessions and documentation.
Human rights
SEP Rail Services pledges to monitor its position with regard Human Rights Compliance too ensure that all areas of its business are compliant with current legislation, International Human Rights Standards and our own internal values.
We strive constantly to ensure that all employees are treated in a fair and transparent manner. This includes adherence to the Working Time Directive and the Minimum Wage.
SEP Rail Services disciplinary policy details the processes to be followed, if any employees are found to be involved in any breach of the law with regard to forced labour, slavery and human trafficking.
SEP Rail Services will continue to update its policies and procedures as required to ensure it maintains appropriate safeguards against any mistreatment of persons involved in its supply chain or own business.
To report a suspicion or seek advice you can contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially on 08000 121 700. This is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.